We rely entirely on the generous gifts of people like you to cover our personal and ministry needs. We have partnered with an awesome ministry called Perception Funding that has provided a layer of accountability as well as streamlining the giving process. They make it easy to give financially (online, check, etc.) and to donate stuff (food, clothes, farms, etc.) as well. En Gedi Grove is a 501(c)(3), and so anything God would lead you to give would be tax deductible. For further information on giving, click here or please contact us with any questions.
A practical and easy way to support En Gedi Grove, for anyone that shops on Amazon, would be to use Amazon’s free Smile program. Just use this link, bookmark it, and every time you shop on the website like you normally would (https://smile.amazon.com/ch/81-2275334) Amazon will make a small donation to En Gedi Grove. Please let us know if you need any help setting it up!
A practical and easy way to support En Gedi Grove, for anyone that shops on Amazon, would be to use Amazon’s free Smile program. Just use this link, bookmark it, and every time you shop on the website like you normally would (https://smile.amazon.com/ch/81-2275334) Amazon will make a small donation to En Gedi Grove. Please let us know if you need any help setting it up!